
Saturday, October 13, 2012


In many of our days, we could see many human doctrines are just unethical or immoral. There are people walking along the streets, taking some sweets and the sweets cover are being drop intentionally on the road or floor. The smokers, smokes their cigarettes at the restaurant, later drop their cigarettes remains on the floor while stepping on it. All we know these actions are immoral since it is contributing to the place dirty for other peoples. They are being immoral because they do not care other people’s happiness and welfare as mentioned in Utilitarian.

Among the six points of Utilitarian; “when deciding for an action, consider the happiness and the unhappiness of others,” and even “action effect people to different degrees.”

There are many other actions that we thought we have practice a norm practice but actually immoral. Another example, two students, or three student just keep on talking while the lecturer is explaining infront, or having telling a lie for just being late to a meeting; is it moral? It is easily define by understanding the definition of Morality, “the social rule that govern and limit our conduct, what is wrong and what is right,” while ethics is defined as “the philosophical study of moral or morality or the theories of morality.” We need to remember that morality focuses on human welfare at the highest values and it might supersede the law.

Oslan use to say that; “a continuous practice may develop an attitude,” (Oslon and Zanna 1993). According to Solomon, “When a values being developed and becoming norms to a group of society it will become a culture,” (Solomon 1984).  The voice of the heart could intercept to determine whether the action of the students above is moral or immoral.

These are all small example. Despite of these there are many more practices that we have missed the morality value of it such as, a shopkeeper, keeping the weigh machine at faulty measurement, cooking or frying using the same cooking oil in a fast food restaurant which can cause cancer to customers or obesity, driving recklessly on the road which in return disturbing or violating other people’s happiness; actually we are just being immoral.
Assignment Question:
The Goverment introduces human capital, practices of morality values in business, ethics in societal relationships, consumerism and even focuses more on enviromental issues. Describe your understanding on thses issues and how does the interelations of those efforts shall work for the benefit of Malaysia toward 2020.
Font Helvetica (size 12)
Spacing: 1.5
Words: 3000 excluding charts
Journal references: 5 in numbers (compulsary)
Book: 1 in number (compulsary)
Pliagarism work shall NOT be marked

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