
Monday, March 24, 2014

Corporate Restructuring, a wrong concept by companies?

In many cases of re-arrangement of resources which involve human repositioning in companies or the arrangement of new organizational chart has been literally addresses as company restructuring. The key management usually at early of the year shall look at the position of the employees and rearrange their positions. Especially after a critical loss in the previous financial statements or a new CEO being appointed or even the changes of board directors especially involving the Chairman.

The terminology of restructuring above has actually being interpreted wrongly. Restructuring can actually take two form; renovative restructuring and redistributive restructuring.

Renovative restructuring mainly contributes to equitable economic growth of the firm, while redistributive restructuring benefits certain groups of people that is those who remains in the company and not being expel during the redistributive exercise.

Redistributive restructuring involves six forms mainly;
1. Divesture
2. Buy Outs
3. Outsourcing
4. Relocation
5. Downsizing
6. Bankruptcy

Despite the objectives of restructuring is to strengthen the company and working out to the best position in making the company back to acquire good cash for a new move, the norm of the practice always started with redistributive and followed by renovative. For such reason, restructuring has being debated and its found to be inclined towards a negative impact and non economic equitability.

Case Study ( assignment question):

You are required to select a small entity company, sole proprietor or even unregistered business. Analyse its current strategy. If the entity is not exercising any strategy, propose the right strategy for them.
(Bahasa Malaysia)
Anda dikehendaki memilih sebuah entiti kecil perniagaan, milik persendirian atau juga perniagaan yang belum didaftarkan. Buat analisa apakah strategi yang diguna pakai. Jika tiada cuba cadangkan, apakah strategy yang betul untuk mereka.
Note: You must insert the:
1. Documents of company registration (or)
2. Picture of you with the owner (or)
3. The entity (company's) Financial Statements (or)
4. Any documents or pictures that could be a proof of your work.

Font: Arial or Century Gothic or Calibry
Size: 12
Spacing between lines: 1.5
Word counts: 2,500 - 3,000 words.
Submission date: Week 5

Please be reminded that any CUT AND PASTE WORK from Internet or PLAGIARISM shall BE REJECTED.

For additional understanding to do the assignment above, you could also read the article in this blog: Analysing Company's strategy - Sunday, December 16, 2012.