
Sunday, November 8, 2015


In cases of business failure or cash flow deficits in most organizations that I have been request to resolve is; there is no proper business model being developed which could relate between the business external environment and business internal environment. Sometimes the owner might says; yes there are. However soon after my research or my analysis, I found that it was not done.  

An example, where a project is being developed for a community where the project sponsors might spend an amount of money on the project development but the impact of the project is not as expected. In accounting it is said the ROI (return of investment) is low or even the ROI is negative. 

The question is why? My research finding is as above paragraph i.e. there are no linkage between the two components. The external and internal environment actually have a very strong, crucial bonding of which the interlinked is a must.   Having no linkages or even weak between these two environment will not contribute to a right revenue.

Some people questioned me, what are the external environment segments the we must linked on? My answer is simple. People-economy-enviroment. The three factors must be link to each other and hence the project will later be a successful project.


Select a small and medium size company in Bangsar or Taman Tun. Analyst its internal and external environment. How does it interlinked and what are the strategy adopted by this company? Explain and justify your stand.

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Word counts: 3000
Size: 12
Spacing: 1.5


Select a small business entity in your area. What is the company problems faces with their competitors? Explain how could you assist or resolve if you are being appointed as a new operation manager in the company.