
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Points to Ponder – Marketing

Internet is found to be a very powerful medium for knowledge sharing. This was proven in some countries like US (during Obama’s Campaign) or even Malaysia in the 12th General Election. How does internet contribute to marketing? What happen to those rural areas of the third world countries where internet facilities are far much backward? What happen if the impact is negative or the information given is false information?

Sample of assignment

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1 comment:

Satish Raj said...

1. Internet contributes to marketing in many aspects and 1 of the major aspect is the Sales line. For example, E-Bay has become a worldwide known system or rather a "Web-Market" where people around the world publish their Products for sale (Through Auctioning) and auctioning is a way of Marketing the product (Makes Consumers Wonder About The Product & Does Research On The Product)thus the rating goes up as customers bid for the best price base on their rate of satisfaction towards the Product and the sales takes place in an instant the highest bid is confirmed. The product may be sold to only 1 individual but the research done by other consumers would actually lead to them purchasing the Product elsewhere hence increasing the sales of the Product.

2. The rural areas are indeed affected by the lack of internet service and it is always been the case of poor governing whereby the focus is only given to main cities. However, Hand Phones are now becoming a necessary "Tool" for communicating to people anywhere around the world and most hand phones are now equiped with internet access therefore sometime soon the rural areas will be developed with the internet service thus making it a marketing system indirectly. For example, peopl in India from cities to town to rural areas, people are equiped with hand phones and cases of business dealings done via phone is an increasing agenda not only in india but throughout the world.

3. With the internet being a very powerful medium of knowledge, it is not an issue of having given false information or negative impact as the number of computer wiz are increasing by the day thus contributing to the level of information security (Research On Information Provided) and the negative impact can be reduced if there's indeed a negative impact.